Take time for yourself; be mindful of your purpose

This post might be a little out of alignment; and since I am writing with purpose, the visible format is really not terribly important right now.
In my journey to live with purpose, it became apparent that I had lost sight of the very purpose that got me started on the journey. Re-learning, re-tooling, re-energizing, re-inventing the very essence of me has led to some major soul searching, and my biggest ah-ha moment occurred. I am afraid of change, leery of success, wary of the new future me.
Overcome the Fear of Success
So, here is where the rubber meets the road. Or, in the case of the title above, – where I go for a walk, in solitude and contemplation. How can I possibly know anything about living mindfully if I overlook the very core of living with purpose? My journey begins afresh, with a very short post today, and much much more to come in my new, refocussed future.
Sometimes taking a step back and contemplating the road ahead can give you the momentum to move forward.
The road to success can sound like a very scary place to visit but until we arrive at our destination, we will never know what that road really holds for us. It is mainly fear of the unknown that can hold us back, but everything we do for the first time is the unknown and we never know the outcome until we try.
Very true, Lis, and equally fearful is the fear of failure. It is a personal, internal drive to keep going forward, to be more focussed on not only the goal, but also on overcoming the roadblocks on the way. Tenacity, knowing that I am worth the effort, thriving on the challenge, keeps me going.
Wonderful post, and wow just what I needed at this moment to read and a discussion I recently had with a friend, the universe works in mysterious ways. Bookmarked it for future reads and thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts.
I’m glad you found resonance in the post. The universe works in ways that, if I attune to its frequency, I meet wonderful people, like yourself. It takes time to unravel some of life’s mysteries, but you know you have, when you have your own ah-ha moment.